This entire unit has 65 lessons.
Engaging PowerPoints
Interactive Worksheets
Topic 1- Introduction to the 20th Century
CM Lesson 1- Introduction to the 20th Century
CM Lesson 2- Britain and the World in 1901
CM Lesson 3- Liberal Reforms
CM Lesson 1- Introduction timeline task
CM Lesson 1- Significant events task
CM Lesson 2- Unequal Society, Empire task
CM Lesson 3- Poverty worksheet
Topic 2- The Home Rule Crisis
CM Lesson 4- What was Ireland like in 1912
CM Lesson 5- What was Home Rule
CM Lesson 6 and 7- The Titanic
CM Lesson 8- Ulster Resistance
CM Lesson 4- Unionism and Nationalism
CM Lesson 5- Leadership factfiles (Nationalist)
CM Lesson 5- Leadership factfiles (Unionist)
CM Lesson 6- Titanic questions
CM Lesson 7- Titanic Evidence
CM Lesson 8- Ulster Covenant
Topic 3- The First World War:
CM Lesson 9- Long Term causes of WW1
CM Lesson 10- Short term cause of WW1
CM Lesson 11- The War to end all Wars
CM Lesson 12- Trench Warfare
CM Lesson 13- Propaganda and Recruitment
CM Lesson- 14 Were Lions Led by Donkeys
CM Lesson 15- Changing Technology
CM Lesson 16- Ireland's Great War
CM Lesson 17- Women in World War 1
CM Lesson 18 &19 - The Russian Revolution
CM Lesson 20- The End of the War
CM Lesson 21- The Legacy of WW1
CM Lesson 10- Archduke Assassination newspaper
CM Lesson 12-Trench Features
CM Lesson 13-Kitchener Poster
CM Lesson 14- Haig Sources
CM Lesson 14- Haig worksheet
CM Lesson 15- Lusitania narrative and questions
CM Lesson 15- Weapon table
CM Lesson 16- Dalton narrative and questions
CM Lesson 16- Ulster Division Source work
CM Lesson 17- Women in Factory jobs worksheet
CM Lesson 18 February Revolution worksheet
CM Lesson 19 Provisional Government mistakes factfile
CM Lesson 19 Table of Knowledge
CM Lesson 20- Diamond Task
CM Lesson 21- Dulce et Decorum Est Task
CM Lesson 21- Legacy of WW1 factfile
CM Lesson 21- Legacy of WW1 Table of Knowledge
Topic 4- The Partition of Ireland
CM Lesson 22- The Easter Rising
CM Lesson 23- The Irish War for Independence
CM Lesson 24 Partition of Ireland
CM Lesson 25 The Irish Civil War
CM Lesson 22-Easter Rising Worksheet
CM Lesson 23 Irish War of Independence Worksheets
CM Lesson 25- Who won the Irish Civil War
Topic 5- Interwar Period
CM Lesson 26- The Paris Peace Conference
CM Lesson 27- How did Women gain the right to vote
CM Lesson 28 &29- America in the 1920s
CM Lesson 30- Weimar Germany
CM Lesson 31 -The Great Depression
CM Lesson 32- What is Fascism
CM Lesson 33- What is Communism
CM Lesson 34- The Nazi Rise to Power
CM Lesson 35- Hitler's Germany
CM Lesson 36- Failures of the League of Nations
CM Lesson 37- Appeasement
CM Lesson 26- Wilson's Points of Peace
CM Lesson 26- Winners and Losers of Paris Peace Conference
CM Lesson 27- Black Friday worksheet
CM Lesson 28- Ku Klux Klan investigation
CM Lesson 28- Nation of immigrants worksheet
CM Lesson 29- 1920s Culture Factfile Group Task
CM Lesson 29- 1920s Culture table of knowledge
Lesson 30- Beer Hall Putsch
Lesson 30- Kapp Putsch and Spartacist Uprising
Lesson 31- Hoover and the Great Depression
Lesson 32- Fascist Italy Group Task
Lesson 32- Fascist Italy table of knowledge
Lesson 32- What were the two Red Years
Lesson 33- What is Communism
Lesson 33- The Holodomor
Lesson 33- Trotsky vs Stalin
Lesson 34- The Nazi rise to power
Lesson 35- Nazi Germany society Factfile Group Task
Lesson 35- Nazi Germany society table of knowledge
Lesson 36- What was the League of Nations
Lesson 37 Appeasement Investigation
Topic 6- The Second World War:
CM Lesson 38- The Invasion of Poland
CM Lesson 39- How was WW2 fought
CM Lesson 40- The Battle of Britain
CM Lesson 41- The Home Front
CM Lesson 42- Operation Barbarossa
CM Lesson 43- WW2 and Ireland
CM Lesson 44- The Battle of Stalingrad
CM Lesson 45&46- The Pacific War
CM Lesson 47- The July Bomb Plot
CM Lesson 48- D-Day
CM Lesson 49- The Bombing of Dresden
CM Lesson 50- The End of the War in Europe
CM Lesson 51- The End of the War in Asia
CM Lesson 52- The legacy of WW2
Lesson 38- Nazi-Soviet Pact Investigation
Lesson 39 Changes to Warfare Factfile Group Task
Lesson 39 Changes to Warfare table of knowledge
Lesson 40- Polish Pilots of the Battle of Britain
Lesson 41- Source analysis sheet
Lesson 42- Op Barbarossa Diamond Task
Lesson 43- Belfast Blitz Investigation
Lesson 44- Stalingrad Report Task
Lesson 45- Empire of Japan Group Task
Lesson 45- Empire of Japan table of knowledge
Lesson 46- Battle of Midway Investigation
Lesson 47- D-Day worksheet
Lesson 47- First They Came
Lesson 47- The White Rose movement Q&A
Lesson 49- Bomber Harris debate
Lesson 49- Bombing diamond task
Lesson 50- Battle of Berlin Investigation
Lesson 51- Manhattan Project Worksheet
Lesson 52- Legacy of WW2- Group Task
Lesson 52- Legacy of WW2- table of knowledge
Topic 7- The Holocaust
CM Lesson 53 – Why do we study the Holocaust
CM Lesson 54 – Who are the Jews
CM Lesson 55 – What is Antisemitism
CM Lesson 56 – The Nuremberg Race Laws
CM Lesson 57 – Kristallnacht
CM Lesson 58 – Eicke narrative and questions
CM Lesson 58 – What were Concentration Camps
CM Lesson 59 – Ghetto Worksheet
CM Lesson 59 – What were Ghettos
CM Lesson 60 – The Final Solution
CM Lesson 61 – Crimes against Humanity
CM Lesson 62 – Jewish persecution in the Nazi regime
CM Lesson 63 – Jewish Resistance to persecution
CM Lesson 64 – The Liberation of the Death Camps
CM Lesson 65 – The Legacy of the Holocaust
Lesson 38- Nazi-Soviet Pact Investigation
Lesson 53 – The warning signs of Genocide
Lesson 54 – Jewish-Roman Wars Timeline Task
Lesson 54 – Who are the Jews table of knowledge
Lesson 54 – Who are the Jews Group Task
Lesson 55 – Antisemitism Investigation
Lesson 56 – What were the Nuremberg Laws investigation
Lesson 57 – Kristallnacht Investigation
Lesson 60 – The Final Solution worksheet
Lesson 60 – The Final Solution Investigation
Lesson 61 – Ethnic cleansing during the Holocaust
Lesson 62 – Minority differences factfile
Lesson 62 – Minority differences table
Lesson 63 – Types of Resistance table
Lesson 64 – How did the Nazis try to hide the Evidence
Lesson 65 – Genocides of 20th and 21st Centuries
Lesson 65 – Nuremberg Trials Investigation